[1] K. Bosselmann, Losing the Forest for the Trees, Sustainability 2(8), 2010, 2424-2448.
[2] M. Strong, One Year After Stockholm, Foreign Affairs Magazine 51(4), 1973, 690-707.
[3] UNEP Law and Environment Assistance Platform.
[4] N. Robinson, Environmental Law: Is an Obligation Erga Omnes Emerging?, 2018.
[5] K. Bosselmann, The Principle of Sustainability, Routledge 2nd ed. 2017, 25-32.
[6] R. Kim and K. Bosselmann, “Operationalizing Sustainable Development: Ecological Integrity as a Grundnorm in International Law”, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 24:2, 2015, 194-208.
[7] E. Benvenisti, “Sovereigns as Trustees of Humanity”, American Journal of International Law 107:2 (2013); see also E. Benvenisti https://www.ejiltalk.org/why-should-states-be-viewed-as-trustees-of-humanity-and-what-could-be-the-implications/; K. Bosselmann, Earth Governance, Edward Elgar 2015, 113-197; see also K.Bosselmann The Next Step: Earth trusteeship, 2017.
[8] Listed as Annex to the Hague Principles.
[9] Bosselmann, FN 7, 226-267; B. Desai, “On the Revival of the UN Trusteeship Council with a New Mandate for the Environment and the Global Commons”, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 2018, 1-25.
[10] K. Bosselmann and M. Botrel, “Constitutionalizing International Environmental Law”, Sciences Po Law Review, 8, 2020, 11-16.
[11] P. Magalhaes, P. Steffen, K. Bosselmann, A. Aragao and V. Soromenho-Marques (eds.), SOS Treaty – Safe Operating Space Treaty: Managing Earth systems use, Cambridge Scholars Publ., 2016.